Would a duck billed platypus make for good pet? - get a pet platypus
I want a platypus duck as a pet and the protection of the house.
I know it is poisonous and can cause intense pain, "Sting", but not fatal ..
I think that would be an excellent pet and keep away the thieves.
Not at all. Unless you have a small river in your home - then maybe, but mostly not. They are not aggressive enough to frighten an intruder, perhaps just run and hide in the inland river.
In addition, the poison is not lethal to protect the people - how they work to get home? Perhaps if there were kittens invasion of his homeland, it might work.
In general, no, - not a good family dog.
(The saliva is toxic to deliver the male platypus spurs on their hind legs to the poison)
They have poisoned saliva ........ probably not a good pet.
this would be an awesome pet!
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