Dietary substitute for fish? - european seafood exposition
My requests for fish / seafood every day, but in Central Europe, it is expensive. Even if I'm lucky, access to foodstuffs intended solely for some Americans, the Europeans feel very dirty and dangerous to himself, including AHI and mahi-mahi and shrimp butterfly, which have well-established, I always wonder even if such a thing as soy flour or other food has some advantages for the fish. Iodine deficiency widespread in many European diets thyroiditis caused here, for example. Iodine is high in fish. Produced (also in the salt for the American market, but not on the European market.) Ideas?
Well, when I fish, I believe, protein and vitamin B12, so I guess anything to eat, that it has both, can be assumed to be. Beyond what the plain peanut butter (w / out) of sugar?
The simplest is to take a supplement of fish oil in their diets.
The simplest is to take a supplement of fish oil in their diets.
a can of tuna cost 30 cents in Europe. Go!
And your prejudices about Europe sucks.
At least we still have that overweight people here.
Wow. I can send a little iodized salt. There are only 50 cents in the U.S..
My doctor told me to take pills of fish oil. You are not expensive and is in the vitamin section. They are full of Omega 3 fatty acids, like fish.
You can buy fish oil (usually cod in Norway) in a health food store. These contain all the mega-3 fatty acids and benefits of eating fish himself.
If not replace it, you speak, the protein found in many places. = D
Sardines and salmon ... Herring, salmon and white fish marinated.
frozen fish and shrimp is always an option.
Try peanut butter
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