Monday, December 7, 2009

Female Genital Adornment What Are People's Views Of Female Genital Mutilation In Africa?

What are people's views of female genital mutilation in Africa? - female genital adornment

We talked about this in my kind of studies of women, the other day and we were really stuck in a correct answer .... Of course, I agree with the process, but really has no right to impose our culture ... My teacher said that the UN is also discussing cutting funding for the Third World when they stop female genital mutilation, but still a bit the same with circumcision only, we have better methods.


OhWell said...

This is a global problem that happens in America, this is not so common consciousness. There is something very common in networks of child prostitution and prostitution.
I think the sick and unnatural, and very unfortunate that people need to go through such misery.

OhWell said...

This is a global problem that happens in America, this is not so common consciousness. There is something very common in networks of child prostitution and prostitution.
I think the sick and unnatural, and very unfortunate that people need to go through such misery.

OhWell said...

This is a global problem that happens in America, this is not so common consciousness. There is something very common in networks of child prostitution and prostitution.
I think the sick and unnatural, and very unfortunate that people need to go through such misery.

Salma said...

Well, I'm from Somalia and told my mother, my circumcision, but she refused. This is an outdated cultural practice. These symptoms are unpleasant and unnecessary. There is absolutely no advantage for him. However, there are many harmful things about him. It can have many health problems for a child, and can even lead to death. Many women suffer excrutiating pain during menstruation and complications during childbirth. It is also non-Islamic, because most, if not sufficient for the Somalis to renounce them, I do not know what it is.

Michael said...

I do not agree agree with all circumsizion male or female genital mutilation, unless the person is a time of responsibility and consent.
I agree that the developed world is not our culture should be imposed in the developing world, FGM is a cultural practice is more than 2000 years.
Even in some countries, more widespread, there are laws there to abolish the practice, for example in Egypt.
I think it is extremely difficult to eliminate ... Its almost impossible to enforce, bans ... because of the long cultural history of FGM, but I'm not sure cutting funding for the Third World is the best strategy.

dolce said...

I can not answer the ethnocentric perspective really. In my eyes, the cruel, inhuman, senseless, and eliminates the physical pleasure in the life of a woman. While sex is not everything that shows that this culture does not seem to value the happiness of their wives. In other words, is my other big problem that the practice is not done by a doctor in most cases. Dirty tools are used, the infections are common and often many women die of the law. Literally, girls have their arms and legs do not have a session method to reduce the pain and antibiotics after the mutilation. This is an outrage in my opinion, and open to the people in Africa are suffering enough. Why so cruel as to throw into the mix? I would support cuts in the United Nations. It is a comprehensive agreement, not just a country enforce its views. I do not think that this is due to a lack of respect for their culture, but I think the United Nations issues are the lack of adequate medical care, go with him.

Graham said...

The introduction of our culture for me is the construction of the McDonald's on every corner.

Quit forget the physical mutilation .... seems a worthy Endevor.

jonmcn49 said...

They are separated from the reality that cultural relativism is BS?

We do not have to impose our culture, is only the rule of law that requires that all these nut bars.

What you learned in class in his study of women, that all animals develop universal desires and needs.

The mutilation is not one of those needs.

For the excision? Talk about comparing apples and pears!

Sherrie L said...

We should have a say in what they do in their own culture.

I strongly disagree, but I think we should be their right to their own customs (no matter how seriously to achieve respect) to.

** Edit: If you use this and I changed my mind.

I think it's stupid for them to understand such a practice, why it is bad hire. If we cut funding, insurance, possibly no more, but I do not know why it is bad. The only reason would be because they need money. I think the UN should try to provide some education for the population did not, so just stop it, but do not understand why the UN considered misconduct. I think they should attack from a medical perspective, but .... not a moral issue.

Hunny Bunny said...

"But at the same time that there really is no right to impose our culture ..."

Uh, yes we do. (1) This practice is illegal in every country in the world. (2) These countries are signatories to many instruments of human rights in international law: not too aggressive to eliminate the practice against its own laws and international laws. Therefore, the United Nations behind them.

ksmith51... said...

This practice is very brutal girl left permanently damaged. Many die from the infection. Some women who perform the circumcision "long spines or use pieces of glass. We are not talking about the surgery sterile, but a killing.

The men in parts of Africa also think the way to get rid of AIDS has sex with virgins very young children, really. Is it fair to ignore that too, so we impose our culture? People humanitarian organizations working to educate people about these issues. This is not the culture to be charged is to act as responsible global citizens.

Snow said...

Not the same. It's sick and disgusting. It is a terrible practice that must be stopped.

Snow said...

Not the same. It's sick and disgusting. It is a terrible practice that must be stopped.

Bye for now... said...

Circumcision is nothing like the circumcision of women - believe me.

Poor women are in many cases, they die.

And I fly from the moment of sexual pleasure.

And it is held in Africa on the road does not make it bad ...

angibabi... said...

I think he's "damned awful. And I do not see why in the h. .. can not impose our culture on them. This is not the use of clothing, is a barbarian, a process potentially deadly and useless.

Another thing I always heard that men do not really think about this procedure in these tribes, believe it or not for older women. Interesting, is not it?

Fan guns: Really? Male circumcision, then I am not a big fan, and * that * can cause problems for humans. It eliminates an extra thick skin. MGF cuts the female entirely. Types (there are certainly others, but removes the extreme outdoor all)

I refer to these two procedures are not really the same thing at all.

insincer... said...

If an adult wants to genital mutilation reports should have the opportunity to choose for him.
But nobody has the right to the body of another person for his own pleasure to change.
In some African countries, the practice of cutting off the fingers of young children is, under certain circumstances. This is child abuse, and) no one (including international organizations have the moral right to interfere with it.
It is the complication that the U.S. practice of ethics as routine genital mutilation of newborn babies - but only for children.
We will civilize Africa, will catch up then perhaps the United States.

Meagan said...

It is a scandal. This is not a matter of introducing our culture to others, but no longer a question of child abuse terrible. The United Nations should consider in any case, cutting funds to countries that practice.

As of male circumcision is just as bad. It can be done in a more sterile, but still sexually maul an innocent child.

Sonya said...

I think it's disgusting. But again, I think circumcision is disgusting. I think both should be arrested. Just because something is part of their culture or tradition does not mean that we should accept it.

Owning slaves was once a part of our culture and part of our tradition.

And while I know this is not a comparison of equality, I think both are equally wrong.

princess... said...

I think that cut a girl with half her vagina and sutured in unhygienic conditions on the "cultural practice" is an untenable situation, dangerous, and refers to women as property.

nebit214 said...

I think you're a smart young woman. First, circumcision and female circumcision, widely used for the same reasons. If you say, watch what they do exist, are imitating our reasons for cutting the children ... "own"
"intact genitals are dirty"
"Lead intact genitals for her health (yes, really believe that the clitoris, physical illness, damage can also lead to babies at birth)
"Everybody does it"
"Children laugh intact"
"Better to cut men and women, such as genitals"
"It's part of our religion" (scientists argue that male and female circumcision with us is a prerequisite for any religion, but I think it is necessary)
"Before, it was apparent" (yes), the circumcision of the newborn girl
"The treasury for his own good"
"That's just fine with me, its good enough for my child"
"If it's not fair, we should not practice"
"I'm cut and sex is good, the FacultyT could not be better "
"Cutting is a better sex life"

As you can see the list is long. Think cut about how similar our reasons, and how entrenched it boys in the American culture. This is for them. Apparently the two are both false or both are good.

It is interesting that almost all cultures, circumcised, the circumcision girls. Have a big problem with is that FGM occurs in unsanitary conditions without adequate medical care. But tribes are circumcised boys in exactly the same! In a mud hut with a rusty knife that is used in all the other children, at some point in childhood, with parents to keep men down. Each year, die an unknown number of male children in Africa, the curtailment of human rights. Interestingly, as the only true women against the practice, right?

As with the United Nations, I believe that there is a bad decision. All these countries have banned the practice. But their cultural practices of the laity. It's not as if the governmentIt is no longer reside, the girls and a cup. This is confirmed by the local population in the privacy of their own huts, where the government did not just watch. It would say how the United States, have given up all drugs in the country. Drugs are illegal and do what we can to beat them, but we can not allow the drug trade.

In addition, an interesting note is .... Until recently, countries such as Eygpt girls were circumcised under anesthesia in doctors! A big problem for people is that the procedure is performed, "hygiene prmitive. But in countries like Egypt, which was played on an appropriate medical setting. Now that is illegal, people are not cutting haven'tr girl implemented until the soil has been so that girls do not receive anesthesia, and medical care, but are in the alleys with rusty knives.

Also interesting is the British Parliament has banned female circumcision, and perform the procedure or the removal of the cooperation of a childuntry to perform the procedure is also severely punished. However, Parliament also calls for male circumcision is to continue to offer, because otherwise people will continue to play under the earth, then the NHS should have the circumcision botched deal! Circumcision is an interesting double standard for women is illegal and carries out the subway (a course in logic for someone who really believes that this should happen) is illegal, but male is legal, because you have not the courage to engage seriously Metro to search procedures. Very interesting double standards.

I hope that was helpful. They seem very open-minded and intelligent. : Take) Good for you to take a critical look at both practices! Neb --

nebit214 said...

I think you're a smart young woman. First, circumcision and female circumcision, widely used for the same reasons. If you say, watch what they do exist, are imitating our reasons for cutting the children ... "own"
"intact genitals are dirty"
"Lead intact genitals for her health (yes, really believe that the clitoris, physical illness, damage can also lead to babies at birth)
"Everybody does it"
"Children laugh intact"
"Better to cut men and women, such as genitals"
"It's part of our religion" (scientists argue that male and female circumcision with us is a prerequisite for any religion, but I think it is necessary)
"Before, it was apparent" (yes), the circumcision of the newborn girl
"The treasury for his own good"
"That's just fine with me, its good enough for my child"
"If it's not fair, we should not practice"
"I'm cut and sex is good, the FacultyT could not be better "
"Cutting is a better sex life"

As you can see the list is long. Think cut about how similar our reasons, and how entrenched it boys in the American culture. This is for them. Apparently the two are both false or both are good.

It is interesting that almost all cultures, circumcised, the circumcision girls. Have a big problem with is that FGM occurs in unsanitary conditions without adequate medical care. But tribes are circumcised boys in exactly the same! In a mud hut with a rusty knife that is used in all the other children, at some point in childhood, with parents to keep men down. Each year, die an unknown number of male children in Africa, the curtailment of human rights. Interestingly, as the only true women against the practice, right?

As with the United Nations, I believe that there is a bad decision. All these countries have banned the practice. But their cultural practices of the laity. It's not as if the governmentIt is no longer reside, the girls and a cup. This is confirmed by the local population in the privacy of their own huts, where the government did not just watch. It would say how the United States, have given up all drugs in the country. Drugs are illegal and do what we can to beat them, but we can not allow the drug trade.

In addition, an interesting note is .... Until recently, countries such as Eygpt girls were circumcised under anesthesia in doctors! A big problem for people is that the procedure is performed, "hygiene prmitive. But in countries like Egypt, which was played on an appropriate medical setting. Now that is illegal, people are not cutting haven'tr girl implemented until the soil has been so that girls do not receive anesthesia, and medical care, but are in the alleys with rusty knives.

Also interesting is the British Parliament has banned female circumcision, and perform the procedure or the removal of the cooperation of a childuntry to perform the procedure is also severely punished. However, Parliament also calls for male circumcision is to continue to offer, because otherwise people will continue to play under the earth, then the NHS should have the circumcision botched deal! Circumcision is an interesting double standard for women is illegal and carries out the subway (a course in logic for someone who really believes that this should happen) is illegal, but male is legal, because you have not the courage to engage seriously Metro to search procedures. Very interesting double standards.

I hope that was helpful. They seem very open-minded and intelligent. : Take) Good for you to take a critical look at both practices! Neb --

nebit214 said...

I think you're a smart young woman. First, circumcision and female circumcision, widely used for the same reasons. If you say, watch what they do exist, are imitating our reasons for cutting the children ... "own"
"intact genitals are dirty"
"Lead intact genitals for her health (yes, really believe that the clitoris, physical illness, damage can also lead to babies at birth)
"Everybody does it"
"Children laugh intact"
"Better to cut men and women, such as genitals"
"It's part of our religion" (scientists argue that male and female circumcision with us is a prerequisite for any religion, but I think it is necessary)
"Before, it was apparent" (yes), the circumcision of the newborn girl
"The treasury for his own good"
"That's just fine with me, its good enough for my child"
"If it's not fair, we should not practice"
"I'm cut and sex is good, the FacultyT could not be better "
"Cutting is a better sex life"

As you can see the list is long. Think cut about how similar our reasons, and how entrenched it boys in the American culture. This is for them. Apparently the two are both false or both are good.

It is interesting that almost all cultures, circumcised, the circumcision girls. Have a big problem with is that FGM occurs in unsanitary conditions without adequate medical care. But tribes are circumcised boys in exactly the same! In a mud hut with a rusty knife that is used in all the other children, at some point in childhood, with parents to keep men down. Each year, die an unknown number of male children in Africa, the curtailment of human rights. Interestingly, as the only true women against the practice, right?

As with the United Nations, I believe that there is a bad decision. All these countries have banned the practice. But their cultural practices of the laity. It's not as if the governmentIt is no longer reside, the girls and a cup. This is confirmed by the local population in the privacy of their own huts, where the government did not just watch. It would say how the United States, have given up all drugs in the country. Drugs are illegal and do what we can to beat them, but we can not allow the drug trade.

In addition, an interesting note is .... Until recently, countries such as Eygpt girls were circumcised under anesthesia in doctors! A big problem for people is that the procedure is performed, "hygiene prmitive. But in countries like Egypt, which was played on an appropriate medical setting. Now that is illegal, people are not cutting haven'tr girl implemented until the soil has been so that girls do not receive anesthesia, and medical care, but are in the alleys with rusty knives.

Also interesting is the British Parliament has banned female circumcision, and perform the procedure or the removal of the cooperation of a childuntry to perform the procedure is also severely punished. However, Parliament also calls for male circumcision is to continue to offer, because otherwise people will continue to play under the earth, then the NHS should have the circumcision botched deal! Circumcision is an interesting double standard for women is illegal and carries out the subway (a course in logic for someone who really believes that this should happen) is illegal, but male is legal, because you have not the courage to engage seriously Metro to search procedures. Very interesting double standards.

I hope that was helpful. They seem very open-minded and intelligent. : Take) Good for you to take a critical look at both practices! Neb --

666666z said...

The statement: "We have really no right not to impose our culture," because this cut. These victims do not want. FGM is a total abomination. Crimes against humanity. The following statement shall be more than 100% would, if it between consenting adults, who believed that it was only immoral, but it is completely different. I do not know why people no longer understand, dass: EDIT go What insecure, it does not matter much to me. Health is always an abomination, or not. I do not like what they say about male circumcision. This is not the same for the same reason. But that does not mean that you have to do. It should not. But it's like comparing the permanent removal of the tabs for a lobotomy.

Harriet said...

The male and female circumcision are not adjusted. The infantile genital mutilation is disgusting, regardless of how or why. We must make clear to bits in a child alone.

ωнєяє тнє нєℓℓ ιѕ ωαℓ∂σ؟ said...

.. Culture, I mean .. Imagine all across infections in women can get genital mutilation .. Not only because of evil "is unhealthy, it is also sexist .. genital mutilation of women, because they believe that women have no right to sexual excitement ..

The D said...

Stop AIDS has somehow.

Gun said...

It is) worse than male genital mutilation (circumcision.

Both are bad, however.

Douchey said...

I support it wholeheartedly .. so .. What is the problem ..
lol do not support, of course, but not sure the rhetoric, if someone using Yahoo Answers to the question is more or less

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